Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Spiderman : With Great Power...


Spiderman has been called many things ranging from Menace murderer all the way to Amazing, Spectacular and Superior. Spidey swung his way on to pages in august 1962 in Amazing Fantasy#15 He was created by writer-editor Stan "The Man" Lee and Writer-Artist Steve Ditko. At the time in the early sixties most teenage heroes where stuck in the role of sidekick. Spiderman's series broke ground by featuring Peter Parker, The high school student behind the Mask who was self obsessed with rejection, Inadequacy, and loneliness which many young readers could relate. Now unlike previous teen heroes such as Bucky and Robin, Spiderman had no Superhero mentor like Captain America or Batman he had to learn everything the hard way. Now Spiderman is not perfect which makes him awesome he deals with everyday problems along with earth shattering ones. His Character has evolved from the Shy nerdy bullied high school student to the severely troubled but out going College student, to Married High school teacher to, in the Late 2000s, a single freelance photographer, his typical adult role in the comics. In 2010 he Joins the Avengers and The Fantastic Four. In the recent 2012-2014 series Parker dies and while his mind is the body of his enemy Doctor Octopus; Doctor Octopus then lives on the inside of Parkers body, takes the Role of the Superior Spiderman Mind blowing. Born In Forest Hills Queens in the great city of New York Peter Benjamin Parker with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. He is Bitten by a radioactive spider at a science exhibit go figure an the bite changes peter's body in the original stories by Lee- Ditko Spiderman has the abilities of superhuman strength speed,agility,stamina,reflexes and endurance. He has the precognitive sixth sense known as "Spider Sense" which helps warn him of danger nano seconds if not faster from happening but certain enemies like the famous alien symboite Venom and his offspring Carnage are immune to the spider-sense due to peter being exposed to an wearing the black an white alien suit during the Secret wars an other stories down the way. The suit latched on to peters DNA his thoughts moves are all memorized the suit wanted revenge for peter "denying the relationship it made him stronger but violent even his villains starting to give up to police just so Spiderman wouldn't get a hold of them. Despite all of his gifts his genius intellect Peter Parker is indeed cursed the day that Spider bit him he went on to become a TV sensation the same night he let a simple thief run pass him what he didn't know is that same took would destroy young peters life the man killed peters uncle ben. That one night taught peter that with Great power indeed came Great Responsibility. Peter is in a constant struggle in both of his lives in college he meets his best friend Harry Osbourne who has a serious drug addiction and his Father Norman Osbourne turns out to be spidey's nemesis the Green Goblin who causes parker to accidently kill his first love Gwen Stacey in a failed rescue attempt after she was thrown off the Brooklyn Bridge by the Goblin in their next battle Green Goblin ends up killing himself. The death toll doesn't end for Parker Gwen Stacey's father captain of the NYPD is killed by debris from a battle between Doctor octopus an Spidey. In terms of Spiderman personality a journalist observed, "Spiderman has a terrible Identity problem, a marked inferiority complex, and a fear of women(falling in love with them puts them in harms way makes them easy enemy targets.) He is anti-social, Castration-ridden, racked with oedipal guilt, and accident-prone as well as a functioning neurotic. Agonizing over his choices, always attempting to do right, he is nonetheless viewed with suspicion by the authorities, who seem unsure as to whether he is a helpful vigilante or a clever criminal. Despite it all spidey never gives up he fights harder then any hero in the Marvel universe whether his powers are a gift or curse the web head has saved the world many times over with help and on his own he has taken on Gods and demons. He dropped kicked a T-REX and even on The Hulk an put him down. But at the end of it all He is just a kid from Queens who is pretty Amazing an still handles his great responsibility by using his power to help an protect thoses he loves and cares for. everyone can relate to him on one level or the other he truly is our friendly neighborhood Spiderman an he will continue to be the hero that all can learn from and respect.