Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Arrow Season 2 finale The bar has been set

This season has brought some serious revalations we have  come  to see the protagonist Oliver Queen truly evolve. Many havent watched or even have an interest in the show i suggest time to go through the whole of season 1 on netflix to catch up. But a recap for those who want the short and sweet version of the show it starts with a young immature playboy billionare Oliver Queen who takes a voyage  with Queen  senior it ends in chaos and lost an toture. Five years presumed dead oliver returns to a rotting Starling City with  a mission to rid his city of the monsters that plague it  unfortunately olivers version of  justice is very deadly but hings start to change and lost lies an sacrifice cause oliver to open up to take on allie s change his crusuade an image as a ruthless vigilante to becoming the Hero known as the Arrow.

As season 2 has come to an end oliver has dealt with more then any one person can endure he has found love an experienced more pain then ever his old friend and mentor &nbp;has become his worst nigthmare Slade wilson also known as DeathStroke the superhuman sociopath bent on olivers destruction because of a choice that caused Slade to suffer he wanted to return the favor in kind. Tonights episode took no prisoners a city in flames men who are true monsters corruption o f the highest level uneasy alliances men back from the dead true feelings come to light in middle of crisis but the silience spoke volumes and the conclusion leaving us fans wanting more answers and so many unawswered questions. But we got a true treat and hopefully you didnt blinked the fastest man alive got his teaser trailer and its the spinoff we knew was coming this fall when we first met Barry Allen in the beginning of season i say damn fine job starling city is safe for now an check out the link below .

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