Saturday, December 26, 2015

Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice official Trailer #3!

Well guys an Girls these past 3 weeks have been eventful to say the least after the mid season finale for Gotham we got to see a 49 second clip from Batman V Superman here it is and its awesome we will get into the trailer in a few.

Now that was pretty damn cool but what the hell is happening???  why is batman chained an I'm so glad he has full movement now he turn his neck a problem for previous even bale had that issue which was solved in both the movie an real time with a new cowl. Now why is superman all god like slash Darth Vader like.

 This is a Nightmare sequence hence the look of bats to begin with it is a what if superman went rogue an took over he would have his own regime with Guards that bow to him an wear his shield on their arms sound Familiar? reminds me of a video game called injustice Gods among us oh wait that's exactly what this from.

Now lets get into the trailer many people have some problems many say it spoils way too much that we have seen 90% of the entire film that its not that great its a rip off of previous movies with dialogue and that it does not excite people OK now I'm going to explain why those people are wrong you may not agree an you know what that's fine i thoroughly enjoyed the trailer here's the link just so you can see it.  Now we can talk I like how Bruce an Clark both have warring ideologies when it comes to their alter egos  an i love when Ben affleck says¨ it must be the Gotham city in me I just have a bad history with freaks dressed as Clowns¨. Then introducing Lex the way they did a lot of folks think he was too joker like or goofy and not the serious hard ass business man people this is Lex Jr. and even if its not its all a facade an if this a young pre cancer lex luthor then he will be a problem plus i mean you already see what he did to Zodś body now lets talk doomsday yes that grey hulking beast is doomsday just not the one we are used to and that is OK. I personally didn´t expect the whole spikes out the body from the jump but it´s still cool to see how this fight will play out in my opinion Plus there are hints that Doomsday is not the biggest threat in Batman V Superman which means we may being dealing with the new god of apokolips Darkseid I did the shot of Wonder Woman blocking doomsday's blast with her shield an just the look she had Gal Gadot is ready to go to war an then the finally shot The trinity together in one shot 75 years in the making DCś trinity all today for the first time fighting together that is legendary with in its self. I know that Marvel has Dominated films but I see DCś Comeback with Dawn of Justice and I'm excited I've waited for years to see this and glad that I will on March 25 2016. Hopefully you all will join me as well.

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