Friday, February 12, 2016

The Flash Review

Its been a while coming but we all knew it had to happening sooner or later Team flash has entered the breach an have landed on Earth 2.

On the way we saw many things to come especially the coming up SuperGirl and The Flash Crossover event coming March 28th.

 I really did enjoy this episode like I always do its funny how Dr.Wells is like the pissed off parent  in charge of babysitting the  kids in a  huge worldwide candy store.  

But of course its not all speedster's an rainbows some pretty cool meta Humans like Killer Frost an Death Storm who of course look like Caitlyn and Ronnie.  As you know zoom is a real threat an now our flash is  on his turf  whats the worst that could Happen? well it already did Barry of earth 1 has been captured.

Its up to killer frost (persuaded of course) Cisco well's and earth 2 Barry an iris west  to save The flash an Well's daughter Jessy I'm rooting for them but Zoom seems unstoppable an just pure evil its going to take a miracle.

I hope they find a way but the Flash as a whole series so far in its two season is doing extremely well I can't wait to see how things unfold  lets hold on to hope an lets have Barry run  he is  still   the fastest man alive and  he can defeat zoom an save both worlds but it wont be easy at all .  Worlds will collide

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